

    Orthodox Christian Booklets
    A large collection of articles on Orthodox faith and Life, In defense of faith, On Holy Scripture, On prayer and sacraments, On saints and their writings, and theology. This collection is edited by Father Alexander.


    Saint Louis University Library - This is the most complete index of Orthodox material online.


    Holy Trinity Orthodox School Textbooks Online
    An incredible collection of online books of interest to those seriously studying the Orthodox faith.


    Dictionary of Orthodox Terms 

    Christian Classics Library
    A very large collection of Christian books


    On-Line Liturgical Resources
    Source for English texts of Liturgical materials


    Orthodox Christian Information Center 
    An Internet Voice for Traditional Orthodox Thought & Practice - a very interesting site with numerous resources linked.
    This site draws on materials written by a number of traditionalist Orthodox scholars. It is affiliated, however, with no jurisdiction or organization. Therefore, this center should in no way be confused with the Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, even though many of their writings are hosted on this site.


    On Line Library of the Church of Greece


    The Orthodox Faith by Rev Thomas Hopko 
    The series The Orthodox Faith is intended to provide basic, comprehensive information on the faith and the life of the Orthodox Church for the average reader. An excellent resource. Comprehensive and easy to read and access.


    Library of Silouan
    A site of quality links to texts and quality articles Including the Protoevangelios of James which contains the story of the birth and life of Mary and the Harrowing of Hell which contains the story of Christ's descent into Hell. Select the Library link.


    Orthodox Center for the Advancement of Biblical Studies
    They develop, promote and publish research in the areas of biblical studies, homiletics and religious education in the Orthodox Christian Faith.


    The Divine Liturgies Music Project
    This webpage contains more than 1000 pages of Byzantine music, transcribed into Western notation according to the style of chanting used on the Holy Mountain.
    The scope of this project covers the liturgies of St. John Chrysostom, St. Basil the Great, St. James, and the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, as well as various doxologies. The words of the hymns are provided in Elizabethan English, Modern English, and Greek.


    OnLine Studies by Fr. Andrew J. Barakos 
    Contains study guides form many aspects of Orthodox life including Bible studies, Lenten studies, Principles of Orthodoxy and others.


    Orthodox Christian Booklets Online
    On Christian faith and life, on Holy Scriptures, on prayer and sacraments, on the life of saints, on theology, and selected writings from the holy fathers.


    ORTHODOX CATECHISM: Basic Teachings of the Orthodox Faith
    Basic Teachings of the Orthodox Faith, by Metropolitan Archbishop Sotirios (The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto, Canada)


    An Online Orthodox Catechism
    adopted from ‘The Mystery of Faith’ by Bishop Hilarion Alfeyev


    Examined and Approved by the Most Holy Governing Synod, and Published for the Use of Schools, and of all Orthodox Christians, by Order of His Imperial Majesty. (Moscow, at the Synodical Press, 1830.)

    [The large Russian Catechism of Philaret, approved by the holy Synod (although omitted by Kimmel in his Collection, and barely mentioned by Gass in his Greek Symbolics), is now the most authoritative doctrinal standard of the orthodox Græco-Russian Church, and has practically superseded the older Catechism, or Orthodox Confession of Mogila. Originally composed in Slavono-Russian, it was by authority translated into several languages.


    History of the Orthodox Church
    Excerpts from book, The Orthodox Church by Bishop Kallistos Ware (pdf)


    Historical Timeline of the Orthodox Church


    A Timeline of Church History
    The following timeline and associated text provided further below is intended to provide the reader with a general and simplified overview of the development of the Christian Church.


    The Greek Bible - the original text as used by the Greeks


    Lexicon of Old/New Testament Greek and Old Testament Hebrew
    The Old/New Testament Greek lexicon is based on Thayer's and Smith's Bible Dictionary and is keyed to the 'Theological Dictionary of the New Testament.' RealAudio pronunciations of each word, with alternates, are available.  The Old Testament Hebrew lexicon is derived from the Brown, Driver, Briggs, Gesenius Lexicon and is keyed to the "Theological Word Book of the Old Testament." RealAudio pronunciations of each word, with alternates, are included.


    The Greek Word: Three Mellennia of Greek Literature

    Collection of Online Orthodox books Text books used in the Holy Trinity Orthodox School. There are books on Orthodoxy, Apologetics, Holy Scriptures, Dogmatic Theology, Liturgies, History, Patrology,Mora and pastoral theology, canon law, and monasticism.


    12 Byzantine Emperors
    The History of The Byzantine Empire by Lars Brownworth
    This history lecture podcast covers the little known Byzantine Empire through the study of twelve of its greatest rulers. Mr. Lars Brownworth presents this series for free through this website and the podcast section of the iTunes store.


    Links relating to the Liturgy and Music of the Orthodox Church


    The Diaconate in Ignatious' Epistles by Anastasios D. Salapatas


    Orthodox Outles for Dogmatic Enquiries 


    Numerous articles and books on line. Updated regularly